say yes partnership


God Has Called Us To Stand Together!

We will teach you to apply the Word of God to your own life without Compromise...You can experience your own Victory over diseases, sickness, poverty, and fear...

Partnership with Yes Lord Ministries is more than just giving to a Ministry. It's a  Covenant and joining together in Faith, and its being a part of something bigger than yourself. 

Just like God called people alongside Jesus and the Apostle Paul to reach the world with the good news, God calls people alongside modern day Ministries. So as many as people as possible can know about overcoming victory and blessings they can have in Jesus. 

 Through partnership we maximize our impact for the Kingdom.

God is a Good God!

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 Yes Lord Ministry is a Non-Profit 501C Organization.  

Dr. Annie Hurley


21st Century Greater Works Ministry

 Passionately devoted to outreach, Dr. Annie Hurley & Pastor Mark Hurley partnership with/supported 21st Century Greater Works Ministry in Colfax Indiana. The Hurley's donated $10,000 towards a food truck for their ministry. 

Dr. Annie Hurley has experience first hand as a child and as a young adult of the lack of food or none at all. Pastor Mark Hurley has a heart of reaching out to this specific food ministry which feeds hundreds every Monday in Colfax, IN. 

The Hurley's are humbled and honored to Pastor Joe and Carolyn Lovell for letting them be a part of feeding the people and this mission. The Hurley's had the privilege of meeting with lots of special people as they came, a lifetime experience that will never be forgotten. Blessings!

say yes partnership

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